Sunday, July 19, 2009

Week #6

Family & Friends,

We have completed another week at DLL. This week Sister Hawk and I had a very good group. WE had so much fun. Salt Lake Rose Park North was a fun group of people to spend the week with. I must say they were not really good walkers but you can't have everything. This group walked about 25 miles, I walked 10 miles with them. They all thought I was so amazing with my ability to walk fast and long. I get it from my mothers side of the family. I also take Trekking seriously. I was called here to help the Trekkers and if walking is what I need to do that's what I want to do.

Sister Hawk is recovering from her knee operation and is walking better. She still can't go long distances but if we return another year she can walk with the groups next year. I guess last week I may have sounded I little down and maybe I was a little, but things are what they are. I did have some time to snap a few pictures.

Hope This finds all well

Fox sitting near hole


Prairie Hens

Hot Afternoon
Sand Cranes

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Week #5

We are working hard with our treks and the 2010 & 2011 schedules. Sister Hawk and I sleep very little. We have completed the next two years schedules and hopefully things will slow down a little bit. We had 3 treks here last week. Only around 600 people, easy week. Next week we will have four Treks with around 1000 people. I haven't even had time to take pictures lately.

The Pioneer Trekking groups that come here always have a wonderful time. We will be done in 5 more weeks and then we will put things away for the winter.

We are happy here but tired.
Lord Bless all who see this
Elder Hawk

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Week #4

We have now finished 4 weeks of our ten weeks of Trekking. We had three Treks that started on Monday June 29 thru July 2. Everything went very well. It did rain but not until everyone was out the gate. Sister Hawk and I didn't have a Trek this week but please don't think we were setting around. We worked on the 2010 & 2011 schedules. We E/ Mailed and called around 60 stakes / Wards. Sometimes it gets where you forget who you talked to.

We have a Trek this coming week, with Kearns South Stake. It will be fun but work.

We went to Woodruff for the fourth and had a good time. Donna & Wayne came and myself and the kids rode on the Deseret Land & Livestock float. (I enclose Pictures) We all went to the Bar-B-Q in Woodruff and that was fun. Sister Hawk and I watched the Evanston fireworks. We had a good day.

A sheep band went thru here early last week and I snapped a couple of pictures. I also added one of the sunset. This is a wonderful place to serve a mission. We work hard everyday but the Lord Blesses us with health.

God Bless All
Elder & Sister Hawk

Elder Hawk
Braden, Sarah and Tyler