Sunday, August 23, 2009

Deseret Land & Live Stock - August 23, 2009

Family & Friends,

We are now finished with our 2009 Trekking season at DLL. We are going to South Dakota with Dusty and his family on Wednesday August 26. Then we will come back here to DLL and get our 5th Wheel on the next Saturday. WE hope to be back in Delta By Sept. 1.

This has been a hard year but all is well. We are returning again next year so that means we will be missionaries for one more year. Our seminar for 2010 was held on Saturday and everything went well. I think the other couples here are just as glad the season is over as we are. The Lord has blessed us and we are happy to have served here for two years.

God Bless you all
Elder & Sister Hawk

Sunday, August 16, 2009

2009 Deseret Land & Livestock

We have finished with our Treks for 2009. Sister Hawk and I will be here again with three new couples. It is work to get everyone up to speed, but we will do it again. Our Treks went very well this year. Sister Hawk and I had 9 Treks with 2775 youth and adults. Our totals will be around 9000 for the entire year of Treks.

I have taken many pictures that I want to share but I am having trouble sending them from my computer. I will send them later.

God Bless All
Elder & Sister Hawk

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Deseret Land & Livestock - August 9, 2009

Dear Family & Friends,

We have finished another week and we had a great time with our assigned Trek. This week was the Kaysville Stake. Sister Hawk is feeling greatly improved. Her knee is doing very good. We have another Trek this week, Fort Union Stake from SLC. This group will only be here one night and two days. We are looking forward to going home and rest. This has been a hard summer. I have walked so much that I can go up hills and not even breathing hard. I think I am in good shape for and old man.

WE think we should be back in Delta the first of September. Going to Rapid City with Dusty Marilyn and the boys. We will leaveour trailer here till we get back, then head for Delta. We plan on a couple of weeks of rest. Hope this will find all well.

Elder & Sister Hawk

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Week #6

Family & Friends,

We have completed another week at DLL. This week Sister Hawk and I had a very good group. WE had so much fun. Salt Lake Rose Park North was a fun group of people to spend the week with. I must say they were not really good walkers but you can't have everything. This group walked about 25 miles, I walked 10 miles with them. They all thought I was so amazing with my ability to walk fast and long. I get it from my mothers side of the family. I also take Trekking seriously. I was called here to help the Trekkers and if walking is what I need to do that's what I want to do.

Sister Hawk is recovering from her knee operation and is walking better. She still can't go long distances but if we return another year she can walk with the groups next year. I guess last week I may have sounded I little down and maybe I was a little, but things are what they are. I did have some time to snap a few pictures.

Hope This finds all well

Fox sitting near hole


Prairie Hens

Hot Afternoon
Sand Cranes

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Week #5

We are working hard with our treks and the 2010 & 2011 schedules. Sister Hawk and I sleep very little. We have completed the next two years schedules and hopefully things will slow down a little bit. We had 3 treks here last week. Only around 600 people, easy week. Next week we will have four Treks with around 1000 people. I haven't even had time to take pictures lately.

The Pioneer Trekking groups that come here always have a wonderful time. We will be done in 5 more weeks and then we will put things away for the winter.

We are happy here but tired.
Lord Bless all who see this
Elder Hawk

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Week #4

We have now finished 4 weeks of our ten weeks of Trekking. We had three Treks that started on Monday June 29 thru July 2. Everything went very well. It did rain but not until everyone was out the gate. Sister Hawk and I didn't have a Trek this week but please don't think we were setting around. We worked on the 2010 & 2011 schedules. We E/ Mailed and called around 60 stakes / Wards. Sometimes it gets where you forget who you talked to.

We have a Trek this coming week, with Kearns South Stake. It will be fun but work.

We went to Woodruff for the fourth and had a good time. Donna & Wayne came and myself and the kids rode on the Deseret Land & Livestock float. (I enclose Pictures) We all went to the Bar-B-Q in Woodruff and that was fun. Sister Hawk and I watched the Evanston fireworks. We had a good day.

A sheep band went thru here early last week and I snapped a couple of pictures. I also added one of the sunset. This is a wonderful place to serve a mission. We work hard everyday but the Lord Blesses us with health.

God Bless All
Elder & Sister Hawk

Elder Hawk
Braden, Sarah and Tyler

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Week #3

Family & Friends,

We finished Trek week 3. We started the week by going to the open house at the Oquirrh Mountain Temple. Three of the Missiomary couples went. Elder & Sister Williams had there daughter come to see them here at the ranch so they didn't go with us.

We had three groups here this week plus we rented 30 Handcarts to several stakes. I changed wheels on two carts this week. One group brought two Handcarts back broken, so I will repair them this week. Sister Hawk and I had a group from Centerville Utah and they had a wonderful time even with the wind and rain on Thursday night. I enclosed some pictures of there shelters they they built using the Handcarts.

I believe we had a very good week. The Missionary couples always work 12 to 14 hours on the first day (Wednesday)then thing slow down to 10 hours, on Thursday and Friday with a 14 hours day on Saturday.

Our son Dustin and his family came up Saturday evening and brought dinner for us so that helps Sister Hawk and I. We had a couple of hour visit and then they went home we went to bed early.

Sister Hawk is still having problems with her knee but we think it will get better. She understands she can not walk with the treks this year. I have walked 33.5 miles with the treks so far. I walked 8 miles on Saturday. My right knee is a little sore today.

I enclosed pictures of the Missionary Couples at the temple and of the camps after the rain.

God Bless all
Elder & Sister Hawk

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Vultures Feeding on Dead Sheep

Skull Rock Falcon Nest

Changing Wheel

Mud on Truck

We have had two Treks that we have been responsible for. Salt Lake East Mill Creek (200) & Highland Utah. (650)We have had rain both weeks but things always seem to work out. The Trek always go well and the youth learn the lessons they need to learn. We are starting to have fun again. We have had six or seven carts with broken wheels so far, we had maybe two all of last year. I wonder if the wet weather has something to do with it.

Sister Hawk had her knee scoped three weeks ago, Tuesday and she is still in some pain. We are hoping it will get better soon.

I have walked with the Treks 19.5 miles so far. My goal is 100 miles this year. We will have 9 Treks so that goal should be easy.

We haven't taken a day off for two weeks but this week we are going to the Oquirrh Temple open house, on Tuesday. Sister Hawk wants to see the Grandkids as do I.

We attend Church in Evanston, Wyoming 2nd Ward. It is only about 11 miles to Evanston.

We have had a total of 2425 youth and leaders here in the last two weeks.

The Lord blesses us each day.

Elder & Sister Hawk

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Deseret Land & Live Stock - May 31, 2009

Good morning from DL&L May 31, 2009

Sister Hawk and I have been very busy this last month. We have 3 new couples and teaching them all our routes has been hard. We are getting there now and starting to have route reviews with stake and ward that will trek here this summer. We will start on June 10. We have accomplished all our pre-trek tasks. Elder Simmons has welded new brackets to hold the john's on the trailers. We have made many repair on the equipment.

The weather has been very warm for DL&L. We have had several days in the 80's. The grass has greened up now and everything looks wonderful. Yes we are all ready to Trek. We have 31 Treks this year and Sister Hawk and I are about ready to start calling our 2010 treks. Life is good, and we love our Mission.

On a little different note Sister Hawk has done something to her knee and is having trouble walking. We are going to Bountiful Monday to see a knee Doctor. The doctor is Pepper Murray and he comes highly recommend.We are hoping for just a scope, but won't know until Monday. If Sister Hawk can't Trek I will take our assigned Treks alone. Our health is other wise good. I ( Brother Hawk) had a muscle pull last week that was hurting very bad but the Elders gave me a blessing and the next day I was good again.

I have my 4 wheeler here this year and that helps me marking the trails. The other Elders and Sisters can't walk so in order to keep everything going I had to mark some of the cross country trails. I have also made maps so everyone can see where to go. One of the Elders is 76 and he can't do much work but he is a good spirit and we love him.

All is well
Elder Hawk

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Weekly Update - May 3, 2009

Well here is my weekly report from Deseret Land & Livestock.

All the Missionary Couples are here now. We have started the training to get everyone up to speed. 17 Trails to teach plus all the paper work required. These new couples are going to be great. We have moved all the Port-a-Johns out of the Dairy Barn and they will be serviced on Monday. The Missionary Leader from SLC will be here Monday to instruct the new missionaries. All is well here, the weather is bad, snowed 4 inches last week, rained several days and the wind has been blowing, but all is well.

Elder & Sister Hawk

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Back to Work!

Dear Friends & Family.

Our new adventures will soon be starting. Sister Hawk and I have been to the ranch to check things out in the high country. All is well at Deseret Land & Livestock. We will be leaving Delta, Friday Morning April 24. Our plan is to go directly to DL&L and setup our camp there. The snow is about 1/3 of last year so we will have no trouble getting into the ranch. The three new couples will be reporting on April 27 & 28. We will then start the training and get things ready for trekking.

Our summer address is:
Elder & Sister Hawk
P.O. Box 250
Woodruff, Utah 84086

We had a meeting with Elder & Sister Bretzing in SLC on Tuesday. (Our Leaders) We went out to eat with them at the Joseph Smith Building. That was very enjoyable. The weather was bad, but then it has been the whole time we have been back in Utah. I think Arizona is my favorite place in winter and spring.

Our plan is to send E- Mail reports every week or two, so all of you can keep up on our missionary service. I plan to send pictures and what ever I find interesting. I hope this message finds all well and happy.

Sister Hawk and I find much joy in serving at DL&L. We have this saying on the wall at the ranch:

This is just something I have hanging on my office wall
An Irish Friendship wish!
May there always be work for your hands to do;
May your pocket always hold a coin or two;
May the sun always shine on your windowpane;
May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain;
May a hand of a friend always be near you;
May God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.

May God Bless All

Dave & Caroll Hawk

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Birds in our cacuts - March 28, 2009

These are pictures of the birds that were born in our cactus. Also the other is a picture of bees in our bush.
" Life is like pouring water in a coke bottle, if you're the least bit nervous you can't do it"

Friday, February 6, 2009