Sunday, May 31, 2009

Deseret Land & Live Stock - May 31, 2009

Good morning from DL&L May 31, 2009

Sister Hawk and I have been very busy this last month. We have 3 new couples and teaching them all our routes has been hard. We are getting there now and starting to have route reviews with stake and ward that will trek here this summer. We will start on June 10. We have accomplished all our pre-trek tasks. Elder Simmons has welded new brackets to hold the john's on the trailers. We have made many repair on the equipment.

The weather has been very warm for DL&L. We have had several days in the 80's. The grass has greened up now and everything looks wonderful. Yes we are all ready to Trek. We have 31 Treks this year and Sister Hawk and I are about ready to start calling our 2010 treks. Life is good, and we love our Mission.

On a little different note Sister Hawk has done something to her knee and is having trouble walking. We are going to Bountiful Monday to see a knee Doctor. The doctor is Pepper Murray and he comes highly recommend.We are hoping for just a scope, but won't know until Monday. If Sister Hawk can't Trek I will take our assigned Treks alone. Our health is other wise good. I ( Brother Hawk) had a muscle pull last week that was hurting very bad but the Elders gave me a blessing and the next day I was good again.

I have my 4 wheeler here this year and that helps me marking the trails. The other Elders and Sisters can't walk so in order to keep everything going I had to mark some of the cross country trails. I have also made maps so everyone can see where to go. One of the Elders is 76 and he can't do much work but he is a good spirit and we love him.

All is well
Elder Hawk

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