Sunday, July 11, 2010

Desert Land and Livestock July 10, 2010

Just a few words from DLL. Sister Hawk and I didn't have a Trek this week, we hauled water for the other treks. We have 4 more weeks of Trekking.
Last week we did see a small Moose. Next week we have four Treks here at DLL. I am looking forward to Trekking again after a week off. Our Treks
start on Wednesday and we have late nights on Wednesday because the Treks travel around 10 miles and that is after they get here and load there
Handcart and start out on the trail. The second night they most always have a hoedown that will last until 10 pm. Then on Thursday night sometimes we
get back to our trailer a little earlier. On Friday night the groups have a testimony meeting and that last until 10 pm or later. On Saturday they finish
there Trek and leave here about 2 pm.

The work is not really hard but it is tiring, we are always tired on Saturday evening. Today we found one of the Port A John trailers has a bad wheel bearing
so on Monday we will repair that. We always make repairs to Handcarts on Monday, move equipment around to where we need it. On Tuesday we
have a day off to go to the valley. On Tuesday night we haul the water trailers to the ranch ( 14 miles) to fill them, to get ready for Wednesday.

All is Well at DLL
Elder & Sister Hawk
July 10, 2010

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